Faith to Go: Hope and Fear and Resurrection
This week The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, joins Charlette and David to talk about the hope and responsibility of Jesus’ Resurrection.
This week The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, joins Charlette and David to talk about the hope and responsibility of Jesus’ Resurrection.
Today, we talk about Madre Dorothy, Jean Donovan, Sister Ita and Sister Maura, the Martyred Churchwomen of El Salvador, as well as our duty to the poor during times of oppression and violence.
The Popping Collars team talk about what they’re watching and listening to.
Charlette and David are joined by special guest, Lauren Sleeper, as they reflect on Palm Sunday and its meaning for our lives of faith today.
Join us today for the Philadelphia Eleven episode! A whole episode devoted to the story of these eleven brave women who sought ordination again and again, until they were finally ordained on the Feast of SS Martha and Mary in 1974.
This week the team is back in the studio with technical difficulties and appreciates your patient listening hearts.
Today’s episode is all about Esther John, a Pakistani convert to Christianity who was killed in 1960, and is featured on the western wall of Westminster Abbey as one of the 20th Century Martyrs. We talk colonialism, conversion, and family stuff!
This week Charlette and David are joined by Katherine Bom, the Executive Director of RefugeeNet
This week we’re exploring the life and legacy of Pauli Murray: poet, lawyer, activist, priest, writer, teacher, architect of Brown v. Board, founder of NOW, LGBTQ+ saint.
This week Charlette and David are joined by The Refreshingly Rev. Anne Cox Bailey of Ponder Anew. Make sure to check out all of this week’s Faith To Go resource offerings for personal reflection, family discussion, and small group conversation at myfaithtogo.org
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