Faith to Go: the Weeds and the Wheat
Charlette and David to talk gardening, ferns, and intoxicating weeds in this gospel discussion from Matthew.
Charlette and David to talk gardening, ferns, and intoxicating weeds in this gospel discussion from Matthew.
In this week’s episode Charlette and David talk about our expectations and looking to how God sees us; also arithmetic.
This episode we are chatting with The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Malone from St. Luke’s East Greenwich RI about the bumper sticker “God, Guns, and Country”.
In this week’s episode Charlette and David are joined by The Rev. Shannon Kelly, The Director for the Department of Faith Formation and Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries for The Episcopal Church. Listen to the trio talk about our role and responsibility in authentic welcome.
This episode we are talking to Father Jeff Krantz about the bumper sticker “Read the Holy B.I.B.L.E.(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)”
This week Charlette and David freestyle on how everything in life is ministry.
What we’re listening to right now
This week The Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel, Bishop Diocesan of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, joins Charlette and David to share her experience of healing, redemption, and wonder. Click here to learn more about Bishop Phyllis’ ministry and the vibrant work of The Episcopal Diocese of Utah.
And just like that, our journey through the great feminist ancestors and saints comes to an end with an episode about the woman who inspired us to begin: Rachel Held Evans. It has been our privilege to build this community with you as we read the Bible together and met these extraordinary women of faith throughout history. May God bless you all and shelter you under Her wings until we meet again!
Today, we release our penultimate episode of the Beatified series. Join us in celebrating the ministry of Leymah Gbowee!
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