Weekend Roundup for August 13
The Lambeth Conference has finished up, but now bishops and others are processing things plus lots of other interesting items this week from around the church and the wider world of faith
The Lambeth Conference has finished up, but now bishops and others are processing things plus lots of other interesting items this week from around the church and the wider world of faith
Lambeth (of course), ERD on the spot, Haiti and more. It’s our weekend roundup of news and opinions from across the church.
The vibe coming from the Lambeth Conference is a definite sense that, for the most part, we are moving towards an acceptance of difference, and that whatever it is that holds the communion together is stronger than the current issues pulling it apart.
In an address Tuesday, Justin Welby acknowledged that these efforts are contrary to the structure and spirit of the Anglican Communion,
The Queen sent a message to the bishop’s gathering yesterday to mark the launch of the Anglican Communion Forest Initiative to address climate change
It’s been a hot summer across the northern hemisphere and it looks like that continues, literally and metaphorically, at the Lambeth Conference, where bishops from across the Communion are gathering in southern England.
Episcopalians from across the church are invited to apply for appointment to the various interim bodies created by General Convention. These committees, commissions, and task forces carry out the work of The Episcopal Church between conventions.
The Lambeth Conference gets underway today, with bishops from Provinces affirming full LGBT+ inclusion feeling like as if the rug has been pulled from under them and conference organizers scrambling to respond.
It’s been a relatively quiet summer week, with General convention done and Lambeth yet to be, but the work and news of the church goes on.
Scott Gunn, Director of Forward Movement and one of the geniuses behind Lent Madness has had serious medical incident Singapore
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