Benedicte Missouri
All praise and blessing to our Creator, who tenderly shapes and sustains us: O praise and glorify our God whose love tenderly nourishes
All praise and blessing to our Creator, who tenderly shapes and sustains us: O praise and glorify our God whose love tenderly nourishes
This Sunday many of us will celebrate the transferred Feast of All Saints, officially observed on November 1, combined with the Feast of All Souls,
Luke 19:1-10 I did not deliberately set out upon the road On which I found myself. It started from the scornOf classmates who belittled me.I
Luke 18:9-14 “There is a crack in everything;That’s how the light gets in.”—Leonard Cohen The upright Pharisee, each hair in place, not aFringe on his
Luke 18:1-8 Jesus tells this story: A widow: without advocate, without protector, abandoned and abused, cried out through the teeth of outrage, refusing to subside
Luke 17:11-19 We called across a chasmas deep as any canyon,we, the reviled, whose householdwas held in common through outcast state. The rabbi called to
Revelation 12:7-12 Who is like God? The nine choirs of angels shouted,and Michael, leading the heavenly host,ground the bat-winged dragon beneath his heel, he who
Yours is the day, yours also the night; you established the luminaries and the sun.You have fixed all the bounds of the earth; you made
Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much…- Luke 16:10 Some pray for faith to move mountains;but overlook the gnarled and knotty
by Leslie Scoopmire The way the air holds warmth like a brimming teacup, tenderlylifting the turkey vultures so hightheir grace is all you see, as
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