Practicing Loving-kindness
Practicing Loving Kindness: STTS June 8, 2023 In the reading from Genesis this weekend (Genesis 18:1-15), we find Abraham to be an example of hospitality,
Practicing Loving Kindness: STTS June 8, 2023 In the reading from Genesis this weekend (Genesis 18:1-15), we find Abraham to be an example of hospitality,
Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Psalm 8 In the beginning there was light. As the first flash of light danced at creation, and the gravid Earth burst into song, as
At our former homemy beloved dislikedour Rose of Sharon trees—he likened them to weeds. Yet I am convincedthat it is always the “weeds”that provide the
The rogation procession begins at the parish door, in ages past a lion leading the way, priest and people tracing and beating the parish bounds,
“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.”—Mahatma Gandhi1 Peter 3:13-22 How should we respond when treated badly, even while doing good? How
(inspired by Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16) In You, O God, do we take refuge: our trust is in You as we cry out in distress. Even when the
Psalm 23 Let me give thanks and praise to God,my Shepherd and Provider,who claims and unfailingly loves me as God’s own. I lay all my trust
Luke 24:13-24 We had hoped that he would redeem Israel, make Israel great again, a power among powers. We had hoped that he would cleanse
John 20:19-31 What would you have done? We all had heard Magdalene’s crazy tale, but even after all the Master’s assurances, fear seized us. My
John 13:1-17, 31b-35 A table. A robe. A towel. A basin. Water. A cup of wine. A loaf of bread. Blessing. Thanksgiving. Service. Love. These
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