Virginia parish to exhibit ‘Stations of the Cross’ during Lent
Margaret (Peggy) Adams Parker, a senior lecturer at Virginia Theological Seminary, will be exhibiting her 14 “Stations of the Cross,” a series of woodcut prints on paper, at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Arlington, beginning Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22.

Migration ministries to use Latimore art for 2023 calendar
Episcopal Migration Ministries is teaming up with iconographer Kelly Latimore on a calendar featuring depictions of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons.

Trinity Talks’ latest theme: ‘Art as a Medium for Change’
Three artists will discuss how visual art can offer new insights and revelations and transform our way of perceiving and understanding.

Episcopal artists interpret ‘Praying the Hours’
The latest online exhibit at Episcopal Church & Visual Arts, “Praying the Hours,” refers to the concept of offering prayers at set times of day.

Grace Cathedral names Lee Mingwei 2022 Artist-in-Residence
Continuing to build upon its vision of a spiritually alive world, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, has announced that famed Taiwanese-American contemporary artist, Lee Mingwei, is

Virginia church displays contemporary woodcuts as ‘Psalms Visualized’
By Maureen Doallas Florida printmaker Kreg Yingst’s artistic interpretation of the psalms as woodcuts is the subject of a show sponsored by the Arts &

Artists, musicians invited to enter new online exhibition
Jerry Hames writes that Episcopal artists and musicians are invited to submit work that reflects “Praying the Hours.”

Anglican Communion Forest plan seeks to sustain the earth
By Lynette Wilson, Episcopal News Service With the launch of the Anglican Communion Forest initiative, Anglican and Episcopal bishops from across the world are seeking

Oregon priest balances love of acting with call to parish ministry family
By David Paulsen, Episcopal News Service The Rev. David Sweeney has been an Episcopal priest for more than half his life. He’s been an actor

Prominent New York church connects with ‘jazz kids’
By Trinity Church Wall Street.
Historic Trinity Church Wall Street has announced a new collaboration, beginning this fall, with Jazz House Kids to provide free, professional jazz education for children and a series of free public jazz concerts at its historic downtown churches.