A Prayer for Beginning
“Dear God
I’m here
and ready to start
something new
fresh and exciting …”
“Dear God
I’m here
and ready to start
something new
fresh and exciting …”
“Look up
Breathe deep
Be still
God is with you”
“There were no trucks in the original bible story, yet, Isaac heard ‘seeds’ and used his imagination to bring the bible story to life for him. He was listening, and I was watching and learning from him, too.”
“this blessing joins you in the dark
to remind you that you are not alone
this blessing clings to you
loves you
believes in you
and calls you forward”
This blessing is yours
Made to make you feel safe, known
Encouraged and loved
This blessing will fight for you
It is within every breath you take
every step you take
Dear God,
When the ashes are felt upon our head,
draw us closer to you.
“Because here’s the truth: we are all God’s masterpieces. We have been created in love to love and to be loved. There’s nothing we have to do or be – only rest in the name God places on us, beloved child of God.”
“Being on the lookout for glimpses of gratitude helps me focus on the beauty in front of me. A couple of times a year, Modern Mrs. Darcy invites readers to share a list of the things that are saving our lives right now. So I grabbed a pen and paper to make my own list and to remind myself that each day is a gift.”
“At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much growth. The air is cold and the sun’s light is scant these days. Plenty of nights have dipped below freezing. The last weed was picked in early fall, and nothing else has grown.”
“I rise and take a breath –
you are with me, God.
With every sunrise you remind me the world goes on
and you are here in the days of my life.”
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