Reminder, by Josh Huber You know the soul–deep core where the self’s water wells up : what matters most : rock that cannot be moved
Reminder, by Josh Huber You know the soul–deep core where the self’s water wells up : what matters most : rock that cannot be moved
by Nancy Freeman Last December, I experienced a revelation that shifted my thinking and affected how I respond to the world. I mean the ah
by Lexiann Grant “Ensure that Holy Christmas is never a celebration…of appearances or of useless gifts, or of excessive waste, but that it is a
by Theresa Newell As I write, there has been another school shooting, this time at a school close to my son’s. One child died. There
Hilda of Whitby (by Peter Levenstrong) Peter replied to Jesus, “Look, we have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?” Jesus said to
by Josh Huber This morning a possible malignancy, so, instead of the daily coffee, my mug’s packed with pomegranate seeds freshly unhusked floating in chilled
by: Emily Meeks During this season of stewardship campaigns, I have been reflecting on pledging and the reasons for which I choose to give a
Eco-ministries in the Episcopal dioceses of Cuba and Ecuador Litoral are among the nine recipients of this year’s Episcopal Church Creation Care grants—totaling $115,000—given to projects ranging from tree equity initiatives to renewable energy efforts.
By Nancy Freeman Sleep. It can be elusive. Last month, I saw two TV ads for sleep medications; ironically, at the same time I had
By Sonny Marks I knelt at the side of the altar, the chalice minister for the Sunday late afternoon service. “The gifts of God for
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