Photo exhibit demonstrates the quiet alchemy of the ordinary
Roland Biermann’s photos transform banal objects and substances into sacramental items.
Roland Biermann’s photos transform banal objects and substances into sacramental items.
The diocesan home for boys lost a building, while several churches were pumping floodwaters out of their buildings.
Sotomayor wrote that religious colleges and universities integrate race “in their holistic admissions to further not just their academic goals, but also their religious missions.”
At the It’s All About Love festival, House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris described the gathering as an opportunity to reflect on stories and to begin to reframe what those stories tell Episcopalians about the fight for climate justice, racial reconciliation and evangelism.
Mark Michael muses on the changed nature of baseball, reflects on liturgy and wonders if “the fans” are always right.
“Let love help you heal old wounds; let love lead and you’ll find life as God intended because love is God’s GPS,” Curry said, writes Shireen Korkzan for ENS.
Canterbury Conference Center has been losing $30,000 to $40,000 per month.
The opening shots of the documentary note how much of modern American culture is characterized by burnout and exhaustion.
The service included remarks by Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States and participation of Ukrainian clergy, singers and readers.
When several hundred Lutherans in Bavaria, Germany, attended a service designed by ChatGPT, the program composed a sermon, delivered by an avatar on a big screen.
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