By David Paulsen
Episcopal News Service
The committee tasked with producing a slate of candidates for the Episcopal Church’s next presiding bishop issued a call for nominations on May 15 based on what it identified as the central challenges facing the church in the coming decade: the need to foster evangelism, discipleship and formation while responding to a changing world filled with environmental crises, violence, war, inequality and division.
The committee, established under Episcopal Church canons as the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop, emphasized in its introductory letter that the newly released profile for qualified candidates was developed with input from across the church. More than 6,000 people completed the committee’s survey, sharing their hopes and concerns about the future of the church and the world. The committee then interviewed dozens of church leaders, including current and past presiding bishops.
“This profile articulates from our perspective where we believe the Episcopal Church stands today and to where Christ now calls us,” the committee said, calling this a “decisive moment” for the church. “The church faces challenges and opportunities that are unlike anything we have encountered in recent times.”
For the next two months, anyone can use the committee’s nomination form to submit names of bishops for the committee to consider. The 20-member committee is chaired by Alaska Bishop Mark Lattime and Steven Nishibayashi, a lay leader in the Diocese of Los Angeles.
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