As Earth Day approaches, ‘Bible Challenge’ available to focus on creation care

Earth Day, marked annually on April 22, this year carries the theme, “Invest in Our Planet” highlighting the importance of dedicating time, resources, and energy to solving climate change and other environmental issues.

Episcopalians interested in the faith-based concept of creation care can take a “Creation Care Bible Challenge,” published by Forward Movement, which features 50 days of Scripture passages and reflections by spiritual leaders and writers from around the world.

“Millions of people know the power of discovering God not only in ancient churches, monasteries, and holy sites, but also in the surrounding landscapes. The high crosses of Ireland consecrate the surrounding hills and fields and remind visitors that they are standing on holy ground. All life is holy. The outdoors is indeed the handiwork of God. Who can venture through a forest of redwood trees or stand on a mountain overlooking the valleys below and not have a religious experience?,” writes the Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, who edited the selections.

Although it is structured as a 50-day “challenge,” it can be read during any 50-day period, not just the 50 days of Eastertide. The book contains significant Episcopal/Anglican contributors:

  • Rob Radtke, president and CEO of Episcopal Relief & Development;
  • Bishop Te Kitohi Pikaahu of Tai Tokerau in the northern region of New Zealand;
  • Bishop Marc Andrus of the Diocese of California;
  • Dean Kate Moorehead of St. John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville, Fla.;
  • Rachel Mash, environmental coordinator of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa
  • Karenna Gore, founder and executive director of the Center for Earth Ethics (CEE) at Union Theological Seminary and daughter of former Vice President Al Gore.

The Creation Care Bible Challenge is an extension of the Bible Challenge, a global initiative to encourage daily engagement with Scripture and explore the word of God. Zabriskie is the founder of the Bible Challenge and the founder and director of the Center for Biblical Studies.

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