Art show celebrates the theme of gathering and welcome

The current exhibit at The Gallery at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Chatham, Mass., explores the theme “Come! The table is ready.”

“Supper at Emmaus” by Rembrandt

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“Supper at Emmaus” by Rembrandt

The full exhibit is available for viewing in person at St. Christopher’s and some works are online until mid-May 2023. The artworks celebrate gathering with family and friends, but also with those of common faith who participate around the table of the Lord, according to The Gallery.

There are works by historic artists such as Dürer, Rembrandt, Kokoschka, Jasper Johns and Sadao Watanabe, as well a contemporary pieces by Wayne Adams, Gail Smith, Tanja Butler and Nicora Gangi.

The show also takes the viewer on a journey through Scripture beginning with an engraving of Melchezedek serving Abraham bread and wine, a Russian icon of Abraham entertaining Angels, an etching by Jacque Callot of the Holy Family at the dinner table and many interpretations of the Last Supper.

The pieces come from Mexico, Ukraine, Germany, England, and France and include sculptures, paintings, silver works, an original poster of Andy Warhol’s Last Supper and even a 1950s paint-by-number Last Supper.

The art ministry at Saint Christopher’s seeks to present sacred art of high quality to the congregation and to the local community by offering 1) sacred art that helps viewers see Scripture and issues of faith in a new way, 2) visual expression of faith that enhances spiritual development, 3) educational opportunities to expand visual literacy and 4) the development of a permanent collection.

The Gallery at St. Christopher’s is seen. Photo/St. Christopher’s Church

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The Gallery at St. Christopher’s is seen. Photo/St. Christopher’s Church

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