Archbishop of Canterbury: “the Anglican Church in Ghana does not condone the criminalisation of the LGBTQ+ community”

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s third statement on the Anglican Church in Ghana and the bill before Ghana’s parliament criminalizing LGBTQ+ persons and their supporters is below.

LGBT+ members of General Synod wearing signs saying “Soon to be imprisoned in Ghana”

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LGBT+ members of General Synod wearing signs saying “Soon to be imprisoned in Ghana”
GhanaWeb headlines its report on the latest statement: Ghana Anglican Church doesn’t fully support anti-LGBTQ+ Bill – Archbishop of Canterbury suggests
Pink News headlines its report: LGBT+ Church of England members stage defiant protest after Archbishop of Canterbury’s Ghana apology

A statement to the General Synod of the Church of England by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby:

Synod: Archbishop Justin’s remarks on the Church of Ghana


Speaking at General Synod today, the Archbishop of Canterbury said homophobia, including the criminalisation of LGBTQ+ people, is always wrong in any context – and that the Anglican Church in Ghana does not condone the criminalisation of the LGBTQ+ community.

Archbishop Justin said:

“In response to the point made by the chair of the Business Committee, I wanted to make a couple of comments about the situation in our relations with the Anglican Church in Ghana. As I said in my first statement [link in the original; not referenced is his second statement on the matter which included an apology for the first statement] on the matter – which still stands – homophobia, including the criminalisation of LGBTQ+ people is always wrong in any context. Lambeth 1.10 1998 makes this very clear, as do various communiques by the Primates since then. Additionally, and importantly in this matter, while not condoning same-sex marriage, the Anglican Church in Ghana does not condone the criminalisation of the LGBTQ+ community.

“I continue to pray for and seek to support all those who struggle and suffer in the LGBTQ+ community and all those who suffer also from the ongoing effects of colonialism and imbalances of global power. As with many of the differences and divisions within the Anglican Communion, as Archbishop and as one of the Instruments of Communion and what is called a ‘focus of unity’, I carry on numerous discussions in private which if made public would be rendered useless or even harmful.

“Please join me in praying for the bishops of the Anglican Church in Ghana as they seek to bring the light and life of Christ to decision-making processes in their own country, and to influence their government in defending the most vulnerable in their society.”

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