Advent for Every Body: An Aural Advent Calendar

From Trinity Cathedral in Portland, OR a short devotional podcast with new episodes each day in Advent

”Radical self love” | Tuesday Rupp | August 20, 2023 Sermons from Trinity Cathedral Portland

"This body is never ever an apology." Sermon by guest preacher, Tuesday Rupp, recorded live at the 10:00am service on Sunday, August 20, 2023.
  1.   ”Radical self love” | Tuesday Rupp | August 20, 2023
  2.   ”Everyday a little failure” | Nathan LeRud | August 13, 2023
  3.   ”We are transfigured” | Shana McCauley | August 6, 2023
  4.   ”The Mustard Seed” | Vijendran Sathyaraj | July 30, 2023
  5.   ”The Kingdom of Heaven is work” | Sermon by Nathan LeRud | July 23rd, 2023

by the Rev’d Shana McCauley, Canon for Cathedral Life

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR


Last Sunday, with the coming of Advent, we at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, OR, kicked off the second season of our daily Advent podcast – a kind of aural Advent calendar to help you center and reflect during this hectic season.

The theme of this year’s podcast is Advent for Every Body, centering on the embodied incarnation – in the messy and real-human body sense, rather than the abstract & heady. What does it mean that Jesus came as a vulnerable baby at a time when infant and maternal mortality were high – when it could have ended before he even began?

As we sit with the inconceivable story of the Messiah arriving not in glory, riding chariots of fire, but rather as a tender newborn, we are invited to explore the many unexpected ways that God shows up in bodies that were not—and sometimes still are not—celebrated in the church. How can we deepen our understanding of God as we celebrate our diverse bodies, many of which have been held up for generations as inappropriate, shameful, or incomplete?

This season, the contributors are a diverse group of clergy and laypeople; ecumenical and not-religious folks; people of many genders; authors, prayers, and activists from around the United States who offer 5-6 minute reflections on how God grows and lives in our bodies.

These original episodes can be found in our Sermon Podcast stream on Podbean or in the many places you find podcasts, and each episode drops at 7:30 am Pacific. Our Sunday sermons, which this Advent will feature both lay & ordained women, will also speak to our theme and can be found in the same podcast feed.

These meditations and sermons will be led by outside contributors, both from our own Diocese of Oregon and from across the country, including the Rev. Allison Sandlin Liles (Forward Movement, the Rev. Heidi Havercamp (author), the Rev. Hope Benko (Seminary of the Southwest), the Very Rev. Nathan LeRud (Dean of Trinity Cathedral Portland), and the Rev. Dr. Maria McDowell (scholar, blogger).

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