A prayer for the woman preaching

Loving, life-giving God,
God of Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth,
God of Miriam, and Your many Marys;
God of our mothers, our wives, our sisters,
where men have preceded, succeeded,
pleaded that they do not need us;

while the world learns to walk
without us, away from us,
You remember us as
the woman who anointed Your anointed one.

Ah, God,
Mother of all gods,
remember your daughter
in the name of Your Son,
loosen her tongue,
bear her spirit above
the waters of creation:
let her utter Your Word.

In light of some recent news, I am renewing this prayer, first published in 2019, for the women who will continue to announce the resurrection and bear witness to the Word of God, regardless.

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