A prayer for entering Lent

Dear God,

When the ashes are felt upon our head,
draw us closer to you.

When we gather for prayer and ask for forgiveness,
draw us closer to you.

When we taste your goodness in bread and wine,
draw us closer to you.

When we sing and join our voices as one,
draw us closer to you.

In the wandering and wondering,
draw us closer to you.

In the hope of peace,
draw us closer to you.

In the fervent prayers for our neighbors,
draw us closer to you.

In the wrestling with your scriptures,
draw us closer to you.

In the sharing of our time and talents,
draw us closer to you.

In offering our hands and hearts,
draw us closer to you.

In sharing a meal,
draw us closer to you.

In caring for our children,
draw us closer to you.

In seeing the children of the world as our children,
draw us closer to you.

In lighting a candle,
draw us closer to you.

In moments of silence,
draw us closer to you.

In moments of tears and frustration and cries,
draw us closer to you.

In the questions,
draw us closer to you.

In the learning and growing,
draw us closer to you.

This Lent,
draw us closer to you
to your heart
your forgiveness
your grace
your hope
your peace.


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