March 26, 2023

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1918 (The Valentine, Cook Collection)

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Behind the Book: ‘Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause’

Christopher Graham’s book traces the sometimes-surprising racial history of St. Paul’s, Richmond, Va., the former “Cathedral of the Confederacy.”

Bishop Sean Rowe, bishop of the Diocese of Northwest Pennsylvania and bishop provisional of the Diocese of Western New York, speaks to the Wisconsin dioceses last January on adaptive leadership and change.

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Three Wisconsin dioceses move toward possible reunion votes at October conventions

Reunion would involve the dioceses of Milwaukee, Fond du Lac and Eau Claire.

He Stinketh

Contemplating the story of Lazarus, I had to find a King James Bible to see if it really says, “he stinketh.” That’s the memory that bubbled up in me from grade school days. What a hoot I thought it was: “he stinketh.” My fourth grade friends and I got a lot of mileage out of …

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