February 24, 2023

Christians receive a cross of ashes on the forehead on Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Photo/Jennifer Balaska via Wikimedia Commons

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Lent is here – remind me what it’s all about?

If Easter is associated with celebration and triumphal joy, Lent is more a season of soul-searching and spiritual discipline. Here are some of The Conversation’s many articles exploring the history and significance of Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Matthias, Who?

a poetic reflection: You would think with someone chosen to replace Judas as one of the apostles, we’d know more about him – Matthias… But he’s one of those saints that I like to say has a muddy hagiography. Even the circumstances of his death are unclear. Some say he was stoned and beheaded. …

Matthias, Who? Read More »