Popping Collars Sacred Six: Hank Aaron
Special guest Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski joins for a deep dive on the intersection of faith and Major League Baseball
Special guest Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski joins for a deep dive on the intersection of faith and Major League Baseball
Jon rambles on about his vacation, and we learn some new vocabulary before we get into what the BCP has to say about unction aka the anointing of the sick.
Joe realizes in real time that people can hear his thoughts (when he says them on a podcast). The Lord teaches Drew how to properly to seduce a woman, and they each list all the things they love about the Bible.
This week we’re talking about Julia Chester Emery, who served as the National Secretary of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Board of Mission for the Episcopal church for 40 years and also the founder of the United Thank Offering
“this blessing joins you in the dark
to remind you that you are not alone
this blessing clings to you
loves you
believes in you
and calls you forward”