Popping Collars: Reboots
A conversation about Pop Culture Reboots and Remakes
We are back from our podcast sabbatical and kind of forgot how to do it, but we powered through and pick up our conversation on sacramental rites, focusing on confirmation and ordination.
This week, 2FAB explores the life of Prudence Crandall, a woman of deep faith who was forever called to follow the truth and who briefly ran the first racially integrated school and who founded a school for Africa-American girls in Connecticut.
“The realm of emotion is also a place of fickleness. Sometimes I feel God’s presence there and sometimes I have only ashes in my heart. I can feel a deep joy in a melody, the winging of a goose over the rooftops, the prisms in a snowflake. But just as quickly I can be crushed by loss, fear or illness.”